its on, DJ Roberto will be on the radio in 3 weeks. So people of spain, here in girona, get ready for music from the states.
one of the worst parts about living out of an office is that when the cleanning lady comes on saturday, I have to get up early, and stay out for 6 hours. easy to do in places when the weather is warm, and its easy to get around town. But here, with no transportation or sun to keep you warm, it sucks.
But on a...
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well how are all you hipster cats out there ? from the way things look here it seems the world is moving along quite nicely these days. Unfortantly, I can say I am enjoy my ride too much. Dont get me wrong, I am doing great these days here in spain. even though I have no bed, cant cook anything except soup, and have to...
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geetings you all,

I am well these days. very good really. nothing special has happend to me. I spend alot of my days lone and without any company. But at the sametime, these past days I really took the time to step back and look at things here in spain and the reality is, I have really alot here. small group of friends, work, and...
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well my first night as DJ Roberto went quite well I must say. 4 hours of good ska, reggae, rock, and all the cool music one can hear in the states. It was a small crowd, but still, very happenning.
So it looks like I will have a new full time job here in spain.
teach english in the day, DJ at night.
Not so...
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Well my friends, some advice from the road...when in a foreign country and you are very much without means, find yourself a nice clean well lit bar to spend time in. It will be best to find one that is not so big, but not so small either. One that plays music you like is very important. Once here, make friends, and see to it...
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Hello America !
How is everything back home ? good I hope. As for me, Los Angeles favorite traveling son, I am still sick, but better. More weak and tired then sick now, but still not perfect.
So far the week has sucked here. first I get sick, then my classes yesterday where horrible. One class was canceled, but I did not find out a...
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Ah Spain..........I'm so jealous of you. mad
Im sick and I have to teach classes today.

Somedays just suck and this is one of them.
Its the end of the week here in lovely girona spain, and man, was it a hard one. I just had a ton of work to correct this week. So much so I gave my classes very, very light homework assignments for the weekend, so that when I go back next week, not so much for one tired english teacher to correct.
For those of...
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Hello people put there.
I am doing well here in the cold spanish city of girona. Liviong at school is good, but the lack of hot water and heat makes the night a bitch to make it through. I dont know how I am doing it, but I am getting buy. But I tell you, I need to find a real place to live soon,...
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