19 more days and I will be leaving to spain. The plan is to do a litle teaching, maybe find a job, and just start a new life in a new place.
my life now is not a bad one, but a dead one. Every thing is part time. Part time student, part time job ( 2 of them no less ), part time son, part time boyfriend, part time this, and part time that. I do too much and not enough at the same time. And I have been living this way for a while now. I burned myself out. Always helping others I forgot to help myself.
I don't know what will happen when I leave for spain, but I now that it is some thing different, an adventure and risk worth taking to restart a life that I have not been living in a long time.
my life now is not a bad one, but a dead one. Every thing is part time. Part time student, part time job ( 2 of them no less ), part time son, part time boyfriend, part time this, and part time that. I do too much and not enough at the same time. And I have been living this way for a while now. I burned myself out. Always helping others I forgot to help myself.
I don't know what will happen when I leave for spain, but I now that it is some thing different, an adventure and risk worth taking to restart a life that I have not been living in a long time.