Everything sucks.
Really, it all just blows.
I didn't get that job, at the hospitol.
Tom doesn't wanna move in with me.
I had to reschedule my driving test for the 25th.
I am apparently failing English. (??HOW??)
I'm breaking out like whoa.
I'm stuck at my moms house, since Thursday, until Monday....
Without my vibrator.
GOSH! I need some damn luck!
I do have the country club across the street from school asking me to waitress. Which would be cool, and probably pay pretty well, except I HATE working in food, and waitressing especially.
Everything is NOT working out as planned, and it's really rockin' my emotional boat.
This too shall pass?
Everything sucks.
Really, it all just blows.
I didn't get that job, at the hospitol.
Tom doesn't wanna move in with me.
I had to reschedule my driving test for the 25th.
I am apparently failing English. (??HOW??)
I'm breaking out like whoa.
I'm stuck at my moms house, since Thursday, until Monday....
Without my vibrator.
GOSH! I need some damn luck!
I do have the country club across the street from school asking me to waitress. Which would be cool, and probably pay pretty well, except I HATE working in food, and waitressing especially.
Everything is NOT working out as planned, and it's really rockin' my emotional boat.
This too shall pass?

I hope things start turning out for the better soon
i love it so far!! very cool!!!