hello again.
First day of work on the phones today, it went pretty well. i got two sales and a terry's chocolate orange as a reward (it's not Terry's, it's mine.)
Got about a billion answer machines...I hate them. Todays doodles mostly consisted of '1571' being written over and over again, maybe i should have that tattooed on me. Still looking for a flat and new friends, but one thing at a time right?
Spending this coming weekend in London with Jamie, am v. excited. Miss him and Hollie loads.
My Gran went back into hospital yesterday, won't get to see her for a while cause I work til 7 and visiting ends at 8, which is a bitch. But I'll peobably go Saturday afternoon to see her before I go collect young Jim from the train station.
Hope everyone is good, keep in contact you bummers...
<3333 to everyone
First day of work on the phones today, it went pretty well. i got two sales and a terry's chocolate orange as a reward (it's not Terry's, it's mine.)
Got about a billion answer machines...I hate them. Todays doodles mostly consisted of '1571' being written over and over again, maybe i should have that tattooed on me. Still looking for a flat and new friends, but one thing at a time right?
Spending this coming weekend in London with Jamie, am v. excited. Miss him and Hollie loads.
My Gran went back into hospital yesterday, won't get to see her for a while cause I work til 7 and visiting ends at 8, which is a bitch. But I'll peobably go Saturday afternoon to see her before I go collect young Jim from the train station.
Hope everyone is good, keep in contact you bummers...
<3333 to everyone

Phone job... arrrggh! They don't seem too bad at first, until you realise they're the SPAWN OF SATAN.

Im playing in Sheffield this friday - is there a rock club night on in the town for after we play?