Diet isn't going that well anymore.
Everything feels really messy at the moment- maybe cause i'm hungover, or because I actually bother to ask someone on a date and they say no, or because my life is currently going nowhere. Or all of the above (Which I think is the problem.)
So today is not a good day, at all. Won Alex at pool, but only cause he let me. Drank some more cause I feel sorry for myself.
Am gonna gonna feel sorry for myself some more tonight and maybe watch a few movies. I don't know.
Everything feels really messy at the moment- maybe cause i'm hungover, or because I actually bother to ask someone on a date and they say no, or because my life is currently going nowhere. Or all of the above (Which I think is the problem.)
So today is not a good day, at all. Won Alex at pool, but only cause he let me. Drank some more cause I feel sorry for myself.
Am gonna gonna feel sorry for myself some more tonight and maybe watch a few movies. I don't know.
Hey honey! Don't want to get on a soap box, but alchol dosen't help! I came off it and sorted my crap out!I relly hope you feel better soon! If it makes you feel better i had to sit through a Shaing Stevens gig on Wednesday stone cold sober and that nearly drove me back to drink
. Look after yourself babe Rich

Aww. Feel better. Remember: Aerodynamically Curvaceous....