Shitty start to the day... about 9am I get a text from Hol saying she's got to cancel Bright Eyes cause now she's got the main part in an Am dram play she has to go to rehersals- despite the fact we've had this planned since december. I'm so pissed at her- it means I can't go now so she wrecked my day and pretty much my month.
I really can't explain how upset and angry I am about this.
Kate had a party for her 21st, so went to that. it's now 3am and i've been in my house for about 10 mins. Am so fucked.
alcohol+space cakes - Brihgt eyes show= one wasted and yet dissapointed girl.
<3 to everyone.
Going home wednesday till sunday so probably won't be around untiul sunday (my birtyhday)
I really can't explain how upset and angry I am about this.
Kate had a party for her 21st, so went to that. it's now 3am and i've been in my house for about 10 mins. Am so fucked.
alcohol+space cakes - Brihgt eyes show= one wasted and yet dissapointed girl.
<3 to everyone.
Going home wednesday till sunday so probably won't be around untiul sunday (my birtyhday)
Happy Birthday!!!!!
Happy Birthday you