Full day of class and then rehersals, so fucking sick of all this now. Cause I soon as the performances and crap are over I have to go straight to work on a bunch of essays. Great
everyone seems to want favours from me today- not people i know, just random net people.
No I won't do you a favour- I don't even fucking know you and I sure as hell won't get anything back in return... so fuck off.
going home in a couple of days. Going out to corporation for my birthday- yay. seeing Nadine, am really looking forward to seeing her again.
Bright eyes is only a week and half away, i'm looking forward to that.
anyway, i can't be bothered with this.
<3 to everyone

everyone seems to want favours from me today- not people i know, just random net people.
No I won't do you a favour- I don't even fucking know you and I sure as hell won't get anything back in return... so fuck off.
going home in a couple of days. Going out to corporation for my birthday- yay. seeing Nadine, am really looking forward to seeing her again.
Bright eyes is only a week and half away, i'm looking forward to that.
anyway, i can't be bothered with this.
<3 to everyone
Sorry your stressed! It's good to let off steam,not healthy to bottle it up! I usaully turn the stereo up and have a good thrasth around!!!
Then i feel a bit more chilled
. Hope you feel better soon, take care

You lucky dog. I'd love to see Bright Eyes. I just got I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning. It's pretty good.