Been awhile, I've been staying pretty busy. Met a girl, she's pretty much awesome. early Halloween costume party tonight and tomorrow, then Sunday chilling in my place. She's volunteered to cook for me Sunday since I never can seem to cook anything healthy, and I will not argue if that's what she wants to do. So yeah, life's been pretty good lately. Hope all is...
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Carved out my pumpkin, bought some decorations, cooked some jambalya... great day. Ending it with It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. Awesomness.
I have become the knot holding the rope together in a petty game of tug-o-war. Back in August I got myself into a little debaucle due to some loose comments and some drinking, and since then it's become this big thing about the state of my mental health. I'm a submariner, and by nature we're all a little insane. But in the course of this...
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Three day weekends are the best. Last night I was the dd. It was a fun time, but towards the end of the night I felt like the sober 5th wheel. And there is a certain situation that I should be trying to avoid because it's only going to cause a whole thing of drama that I just want to not get in to. Today...
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So, out of our semi-regular poker games, I finally came out with actual winnings this time. Now that I can feel out the drunken betting of one of our members it's a little easier not to lose it all in two hands. Besides that, my couple of days off is now over. Lucky me gets to go into work early to take care of things...
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So I've started making a family tree on ancestry.com. It's amazing the things you find out about your family. Like I never knew that I had any German in me, but I do. It's kind of cool to think about how all these hundreds of people had to meet and interact just so you could be born. Mind blowing almost.
Oh man, you have no idea! I'm on ancestry.com as well and actually found my Great-grandmothers immigration paperwork from the 1920's when she came here from Norway! I've even linked up with family on the East Coast that is a relative on the Norwegian side and still communicates with that family. Oh sheesh, there's so much more for you to discover! Have a blast with it bro, it's a very handy and useful tool. smile
Time for a much needed break. Take it easy tonight, and diner tomorrow with my friends the Johnstons. Probably get some reading done as well. Well, take care all and have a great week.
enjoy your break
Hey, you do the same bro!
New appartment is starting to come together. My roommate and I now have new appliances, a stockpile of tea and coffee, silverware and dinerware, lots of alcohol and seasoning... and no food. Yep, this is the bachelor life.
23, that's my age. I feel ancient. Not because 23 is old, in fact it's quite young, but becaue I've lived a life most 23 year olds have not. I have lived and loved with every ounce of energy I can muster. Now I feel that it's all dried out of me. My old friends I've kept close to me in my heart and mind....
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Hey bro, I feel ya. I had my son at 19 and never really got to be a 20 or 21 year old. Now I'm 32 though, I understand life a bit better and have come to the conclusion that things really do get better as you get older. Yes, getting older does kinda suck; you're no longer "cool" to the younger generations. However, I understand and appreciate things a lot more now. As much as I'd love to go back to my "all-day beach day's", I've learned that I've gained so much more than that. Instead of being stuck in one moment, I bounce through a million moments, moments that I've created for myself and others around me. I appreciate the times I get to spend with friends (which I think you're realizing now, which is why you're wishing for those days back).

My best advice would be to relish your memories, laugh about the past but keep moving forward and making new things a part of your life. Pretty soon you'll find that what you're doing now is just as memorable and unique as what you used to do; just in a different way. Hang in there bud; it's a phase, a part of growing up.
Poker game tonight, which means, more money I wont have. Accomplished absolutely nothing at work today. Mostly due to a toxic gas leak and a damaged piece of equipment. A lot of stuff to do tomorrow. Hopefully it'll get done. Fingers crossed.
good luck at poker. Be aggressive.
Haha, lost it all again, but it was fun. Fun fact, drunk people don't need to be in control of the log book for money. We'll sort it out when we're sober.