now... not that anyone is going ot read this. but i am going to describe a situation to you, then pose a question...
once, when i was 17. i was in a relationship with a girl, who was interested in going camping with me. well.. after i described makingout under the stars in front of an open fire. but... i was too young to get a campsite in my name. SO... i cleared a room out in my house, set up a tent & sleeping bag. all convieniently around the heat register in the floor. and proceeded to make several dozen stars out of paper, hang them from the ceiling, along with a smiling moon. (yeah... im just a tad artistic)
if you were with someone... and they did something similar to this, for you. what would you think? the reason i ask.. is maybe i just dont deal with the right people. but in describing that same incident, just a few minutes earlier to someone... all she could say was "uh, why did you feel the need to do that?"