im sorry for my recent desent into unhappy moody bitching... the world just isnt as bright a place, as it was 3 weeks ago.

my heart has been broken... and once more, i continue. but... i am reminded of a star trek tng episode i just recently watched. the one in which "scotty" pays the crew a visit. he said... "there comes a time in life, when you realize... that you just cant fall in love again". or something to that effect. and that's how i am feeling at this moment. after all the emotions spent... the wonderful little moments... making love like crazied animals... sharing in her tears... and to have it all end on, what is by all accounts, a mis-guided whim. i find myself asking... what's the point? it seems with every relationship i've had... they've managed to find a way of continuously ending worse than the last. which is something i just dont have the heart for. so... at least for the moment. i give up. to have something feel so right, end in this manner... i really must have no clue, and im just doing more harm than good by continuing down this path...