you know...

i really like the blair witch project... especially in surround sound!!!

the end of the film, where the woman is coming down the stairs, and you hear her screaming. but not from being next to her... but from the mic still recording in the basement as she gest closer. its so surreal...

needless to say, i like to mess with ppl while caming....
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ohmy.... an SG dating service! quite interesting... eeek

all i can say is, "neato"

maybe somthing cool will come from it. ^^



lovin the final fantasy XI...

oooohhh... soo geeeky... yay... biggrin

but how about that Mle set??? eeek

very naughty thoughts after seeing that! whatever

so bored....

so awake....

thankfully i have my new ibook to keep me company! robot

but i think i may have worn it out, so id better let it recharge its batteries. besides... my comfy bed i calling to me, along with the game boy on the nightstand. i think im about to get my onimusha tactics on! whatever

t-minus 9 days, and counting till i get...
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it's been a long time...

and i've had alot to think about...

"i want something good to die for;
to make it beautiful to live"

guess im back now...

night train is good. the drink, however, is terrible.

but unfortunatly, not what i was thinking. wink


i just looked at my profile, and it lists me as being 27!

i hate getting old!

i miss my scooby doo lucnhbox. it was bright orange, w/a pic of scooby & shaggy on the outside.it'd always be laoded with a lunch my mohter made... soggy cheese n'cracker sandwiches, box of rasins, twinkie, and thermos full of apple juice.

i just got through reading someone's sg journal... and i really feel for them. it got me to thinking of ao conversation that i had with a good freind. we were talking about our (at the time) current relationships. and we both came to a conclusion... being in similar situations... so happy... content... at peace with everything. that neither of us were sure that we'd...
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ahh... waking up, and it's as dark outside as when i went to sleep!!! that messes me up! eeek

k... must go find substance. the gremlins in my stomach have begun to tear at my insides... and i must apease their thirst for blood... (see what i sound like when i'm half asleep!) biggrin

eternal love?!? from morgan?!? :faints: love

once i regain conciousness... i must buy "taking tiger mountain by stratedgy" by brian eno!!! wink

it's 415am... and i cant sleep. it's been over 2 months now... and i still havent gotten used to it. frown
i cant get this song out of my head... weird al rocks!!!

Put down the chainsaw and listen to me
It's time for us to join in the fight
It's time to let your babies grow up to be cowboys
It's time to let the bedbugs bite

You better put all your eggs in one basket
You better count your chickens before they hatch
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For knowing the eno song, you get my eternal love, and the reccomendation to buy the album "taking tiger mountain by stratedgy" by brian eno.
