I have discovered something, If your really depressed and dont drink, you cant listen to country music, it just makes you more depressed.
So heres what i did. since i dont drink, i needed to find a music alternative, the answer...
A mix of Kittie and Britney Spears, An odd combination i know, but suprisingly it works if your really depressed and have sworn a life of sobrity
That is all
So heres what i did. since i dont drink, i needed to find a music alternative, the answer...
A mix of Kittie and Britney Spears, An odd combination i know, but suprisingly it works if your really depressed and have sworn a life of sobrity
That is all
Funny listening to country music makes me want to drink. Since that's what I've found a lot of good country music consists of: drinking and purrty women
hahahaha. strange combo there. and you changed your profile pic! have you had a problem with drinking in the past?