So I'm going to a Stitch & Bitch party! I've never been to anything like it before, from what I understand it's just a bunch of people sitting around doing whatever craft project they're working on and then eating vegetarian food. I'm bringing Zucanoes (Zucchini canoes - stuffed with rice and mushrooms and things like that). I'm such a dork, I love the name Zucanoe.
Plus the girl I've only talked to once (more now I guess) will be there. She is my faux hawk fantasy...
Have a great weekend everybody! xo
PS - My gf is cute, we've lived here for months and she still doesn't know our postal code and consequently asks me all the time. Hehe, I'm so domestic sometimes...
This was posted on Dymes journal and I thought it was great so I posted it here too
1. Tell me something obvious about you.
2. Tell me something about you that many don't know.
3. What is your biggest fear?
4. Do you normally go the safe route or take the short cut?
5. Name one thing you want that you can't buy with money.
6. What is your most treasured possession?
7. What is the one thing you hate most about yourself that you do often?
8. Tell me something sexually about you that I don't know.
9. Tell me something sexually about you that everyone knows.
10. What is your favorite lie to tell?
11. Name something you've done once that you can't wait to do again.
12. Are you the jealous type?
13. What is the one person, place or thing you can't say no to?
14. What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you?
15. If you could do something crazy right now, what would it be?
16. When was the last time you cried?
17. When was the last time you felt so good that nothing else mattered?
18. Do you feel comfortable in public with no shirt on?
19. Name something embarrassing you did while being drunk.
20. If you post this in your journal would you like me to answer it?
Would YOU:
Give me your number?
Watch a movie with me...even a really sappy one?
Let me take you out to dinner?
Drive me somewhere/anywhere?
Take a shower with me?
Listen to me if I called you crying even if you were out with all of your friends?
Buy me a drink (a coke or something) if i didn't have money?
Take me home for the night?
Would you let me sleep in your bed?
Sing car karaoke with me?
Sit in the doctors office with me because I didn't want to go alone?
Let me give you a piggyback ride?
Come pick me up at 3 am because my car ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere?
Re-post this for me to answer your questions?
part one and/or two be acceptable. please entertain me. please be creative.
Heres what I answered:
I wanna play...
1. I have a LOT of hair and it's all mine.
2. I cough when I'm nervous.
3. That I'll never see my friends again.
4. Short cut. Almost always.
5. Some emails from above friends.
6. My special pair of black underoos.
7. I try to relive the past and I bite my nails.
8. Ahem. I like being dominated. A lot.
9. I own a lot of sex toys.
10. Wow, that's really cool! (Chances are, it's not.)
11. A sex&drugs bender.
12. Sometimes. But also sometimes not.
13. the GF.
14. What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you?
15. Jump in the car and drive until I ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere.
16. In a situation so stupid I can't even repeat it online.
17. When was the last time you felt so good that nothing else mattered?
18. On topless beaches yes. But in a Canadian mall... no.
19. Threaten to make my friend my bend-over boyfriend.
20. Yes!
I'd do everything in part two except watch a sappy romantic movie starring Nicholas Cage.
Plus the girl I've only talked to once (more now I guess) will be there. She is my faux hawk fantasy...

Have a great weekend everybody! xo

PS - My gf is cute, we've lived here for months and she still doesn't know our postal code and consequently asks me all the time. Hehe, I'm so domestic sometimes...

This was posted on Dymes journal and I thought it was great so I posted it here too
1. Tell me something obvious about you.
2. Tell me something about you that many don't know.
3. What is your biggest fear?
4. Do you normally go the safe route or take the short cut?
5. Name one thing you want that you can't buy with money.
6. What is your most treasured possession?
7. What is the one thing you hate most about yourself that you do often?
8. Tell me something sexually about you that I don't know.
9. Tell me something sexually about you that everyone knows.
10. What is your favorite lie to tell?
11. Name something you've done once that you can't wait to do again.
12. Are you the jealous type?
13. What is the one person, place or thing you can't say no to?
14. What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you?
15. If you could do something crazy right now, what would it be?
16. When was the last time you cried?
17. When was the last time you felt so good that nothing else mattered?
18. Do you feel comfortable in public with no shirt on?
19. Name something embarrassing you did while being drunk.
20. If you post this in your journal would you like me to answer it?
Would YOU:
Give me your number?
Watch a movie with me...even a really sappy one?
Let me take you out to dinner?
Drive me somewhere/anywhere?
Take a shower with me?
Listen to me if I called you crying even if you were out with all of your friends?
Buy me a drink (a coke or something) if i didn't have money?
Take me home for the night?
Would you let me sleep in your bed?
Sing car karaoke with me?
Sit in the doctors office with me because I didn't want to go alone?
Let me give you a piggyback ride?
Come pick me up at 3 am because my car ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere?
Re-post this for me to answer your questions?
part one and/or two be acceptable. please entertain me. please be creative.
Heres what I answered:
I wanna play...
1. I have a LOT of hair and it's all mine.
2. I cough when I'm nervous.
3. That I'll never see my friends again.
4. Short cut. Almost always.
5. Some emails from above friends.
6. My special pair of black underoos.
7. I try to relive the past and I bite my nails.
8. Ahem. I like being dominated. A lot.
9. I own a lot of sex toys.
10. Wow, that's really cool! (Chances are, it's not.)
11. A sex&drugs bender.
12. Sometimes. But also sometimes not.
13. the GF.
14. What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you?
15. Jump in the car and drive until I ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere.
16. In a situation so stupid I can't even repeat it online.
17. When was the last time you felt so good that nothing else mattered?
18. On topless beaches yes. But in a Canadian mall... no.
19. Threaten to make my friend my bend-over boyfriend.
20. Yes!
I'd do everything in part two except watch a sappy romantic movie starring Nicholas Cage.
Wish me luck
you just want to see what I look like don't you?
I will post a picture of myself with new hair, just as soon as I feel up to taking one, sickly the last few days, you understand.