HoL is either a horror story or a love story. I haven't read far enough to decide which, and I'm not really sure if there's a difference. Really crazy format, with blank pages, footnotes inside footnotes, references to books and movies that don't exist, etc.
Wow, so my transfer has gone through quicker than expected. As a result, I will be moving down south sooner than I had thought. Looks like my trip to see family this holiday will be my move as well.
Going away party Sat @ Doc Watson's and now I have a pretty stacked weekend. Will Try To peace Together a show out of the chaos,... Read More
I'm reviewing a release of Laura Harmondale's latest album now and I have to say So far I'm Digging Its deep lost classic blues side that country these days has left behind, its nice to hear these roots revised in such a beautiful voice such as Laura's . My fav so far is 'Holy Water'
I had to pop in and say Hi ! Feel like I've neglected SG this week. Its been fun though. spent some long over due time with the family.
But been in the studio all day,We have been changing our set-up to meet modern demands, My crew and I almost have our podcast complete for the new Thursday night segment coming soon. That is right,... Read More
totally spent after moving my bro, still at his crib, and piggy backing a signal off his new neighbor's lol, wifi newbies, got to complete prt 2 of our Halloween podcast hope to write, record n edit before mid-nite, wish me luck peace til l8r
HoL is either a horror story or a love story. I haven't read far enough to decide which, and I'm not really sure if there's a difference. Really crazy format, with blank pages, footnotes inside footnotes, references to books and movies that don't exist, etc.