holy posting, I think this is only my 2nd post eva! My life goal was to get at least 100 comments on my last blog and now that completed me, so I can move on. ok so I'm obviously a complete dorkout as you can tell or confirm. what have I been up lately////enjoying le summer. I organize weekly kickball and 4 square with fwends. we usually invade a local diner before hand to fuel up.
I've been booking more shows lately and my frund bawwbeeee illustrated this poster.
I can't wait to see Gang Gang Dance! I heard they're sick live. my camera just broke so won't have any pics of the show, but I"m tha market for a new one, so any suggestions on a pckt point n shoot would be appreciated ('rad').
I've also been 'rockin out' in my band Tumul. You can chk out ridiculous videos of us on that pg.
our last show we played with Extreme Animals who are my heros and members of a totally sick art collective called paperrad, if you don't know you betta axesumbdy! seriously they output some of the most amazing dvd's and design work. super cool kids too.
so we started our set two blocks away from the Bugjar (venue) at duncan donuts and monster marched onto the stage, I was basically completely blind with my outfit on. I'm the one with the magenta on my head and mallets.

this last one was taken moments after I fell through my electronics and landed on the floor, ppl thought or I think hoped it was intentional, but we kind of go into a time warp trance and I became enjoyably disoriented. my friends are sometimes amazed as the altered states of consciousness are all free from any ceremonial intoxicants. It's a great time, but I"m not sure why anyone stays in the same room with us during the entire thing. oddly enough we plan on going on tour soon.
so there's tha update, I think I'll be due for another in a couple years.
so what craziness have you been getting into?
xoxoxo, Dr. Hmbrgrzzzzz
I've been booking more shows lately and my frund bawwbeeee illustrated this poster.

I can't wait to see Gang Gang Dance! I heard they're sick live. my camera just broke so won't have any pics of the show, but I"m tha market for a new one, so any suggestions on a pckt point n shoot would be appreciated ('rad').
I've also been 'rockin out' in my band Tumul. You can chk out ridiculous videos of us on that pg.
our last show we played with Extreme Animals who are my heros and members of a totally sick art collective called paperrad, if you don't know you betta axesumbdy! seriously they output some of the most amazing dvd's and design work. super cool kids too.
so we started our set two blocks away from the Bugjar (venue) at duncan donuts and monster marched onto the stage, I was basically completely blind with my outfit on. I'm the one with the magenta on my head and mallets.

this last one was taken moments after I fell through my electronics and landed on the floor, ppl thought or I think hoped it was intentional, but we kind of go into a time warp trance and I became enjoyably disoriented. my friends are sometimes amazed as the altered states of consciousness are all free from any ceremonial intoxicants. It's a great time, but I"m not sure why anyone stays in the same room with us during the entire thing. oddly enough we plan on going on tour soon.
so there's tha update, I think I'll be due for another in a couple years.
so what craziness have you been getting into?
xoxoxo, Dr. Hmbrgrzzzzz
hahah they are quite messy to eat
Ahh I was thinking about going to that but decided to stay home and save my $ to go to NYC in a couple weeks. My friend Corey is there though. I saw Diplo a couple months back, and it was off the hook! Have fun!