ok i think i forgot to save my entry. lol. what a crackhead i am. and if i did save it, now i'll have two entries for today that say virtually the same thing. whatever. so...day 1 of sg. hi everyone!!!

Hi..from Down Town Fullerton...Just a hop, skip, and, a jump from Tustin. I have a "crafty girl" friend who makes the best sock monkeys who lives in Tustin. I go see her all the time. We walk to an India rest. near her house. Its the best..not fancy..but it rules
ok so i'm just figuring this sg thing out. now...if i write to myself as a journal entry, can you guys all see it and write back to me? i guess so since you wrote back the first time i made a journal entry. and is it better to write back to you all by clicking on your names after you write to me, or to send things to myself and then you just read them? aagh i hate feeling like i don't know what i'm doing. lol. but you guys'll help me, right?