so i've been working on this website now for a little while. it's for the merch company that does all the merchandise for the reverend horton heat. had been getting the hook up on merch for my band for a while for doing the work. now i'm gonna get paid for it. i'm stoked about that. there had been many times when i wanted to work on the site just was too lazy to do so. now i'm obligated to do it and that rocks. will get me off my ass and work on it. it's fun. in the last 2 days i've gotten so much of it done. crazy how you get sucked into what you are working on and when you look at the clock it's like 4 hours from when you first started working? it's also cool cause now i can get my bills paid off super quick so i can get back in and get some tattoos. i got 4 months to get all the pirate stuff done on my left arm. i hope i can get it all done by the end of the year. that was my goal. if i can i will start working on the right one, just don't know what i'm putting on that one.
I'm going.
I'm going.