like everyone else i think this new look will take some time to get used to. from a design point of view i think it looks fucking great. it's just a matter getting used to where everything is and what links go to what.
it looks like i might be going to disneyland for the world premier of pirates of the caribbean. it's still up in the air but looking like it's gonna happen. ohhh fuck that would be rad. sitting next to johnny depp while watching the new pirates or even better, getting to make out with keira knightley ON pirates of the caribbean. so good.

it looks like i might be going to disneyland for the world premier of pirates of the caribbean. it's still up in the air but looking like it's gonna happen. ohhh fuck that would be rad. sitting next to johnny depp while watching the new pirates or even better, getting to make out with keira knightley ON pirates of the caribbean. so good.
dude! if you get to make out with keira I will soo be your slave for life!