So i'm officialy the worst at waking up ever. I show up for work 10 minutes late practicly everyday. Whateves. Wednesday im getting the rest of the outlining done for the lower half of my sleeve. That means about two and a half weeks from now i should be able to start blasting color through that fucker. Horray! I think i may start on my chest sooner than i'd anticipated. I keep getting ideas for my other sleeve too.
I've been on a food crusade lately. I always cook up crazy good vegan stuff at work and usually end up buying groceries several times a week. This week i tried almond and rice milk, tempeh, pluots, and pomegrante juice (again). Here's what i cooked up today: whole wheat pita pizzas topped with rosemary/basil mushrooms (reduced in marinara) with artichoke hearts and roasted red peppers. To drink i had a banana/strawberry/peach/O.J. smoothie. I also ate flatbread (which i made from scratch) with (store bought
) hummus. Tonight i consumed much coffee with almond milk and will make some dinner soon. MMMMMMmmmm
. I'm addicted to food! I am much happier at my second job now that i can listen to my iPod while i work (i think).
Hope you all are well, i am in need of a shower and some rest so i can haul some skatepark ass tomorrow.
Quote of the Week
"I hope you got some cum in them balls for my face"
-My friend Chris talking about some T.V. documentary about drugs addicts.
- Jank
I've been on a food crusade lately. I always cook up crazy good vegan stuff at work and usually end up buying groceries several times a week. This week i tried almond and rice milk, tempeh, pluots, and pomegrante juice (again). Here's what i cooked up today: whole wheat pita pizzas topped with rosemary/basil mushrooms (reduced in marinara) with artichoke hearts and roasted red peppers. To drink i had a banana/strawberry/peach/O.J. smoothie. I also ate flatbread (which i made from scratch) with (store bought

Hope you all are well, i am in need of a shower and some rest so i can haul some skatepark ass tomorrow.
Quote of the Week
"I hope you got some cum in them balls for my face"
-My friend Chris talking about some T.V. documentary about drugs addicts.

liquid smoke i meant.. haha i suck at typing.
wow....sounds yummy! when are you going to come cook for me????