So my car engine started smoking yesterday. The motherfucker is overheating like whoa! I'm gonna put some new fluid in there and then see if it's still and issue. I'm afraid my radiator is leaking or something worse. I think i should abandon the subaru and finally get my dream car:
Some good news though. I'm finishing half half sleeve August 3rd and then later that month getting the rest of my arm started. I'm so amped for some full sleevage.
Since Bento i've been feeling the SG love. It's so cool to meet people from the site in the area. Also, a big farewell to Cornelius Wright who will be leaving the Buckeye State along with his new drunken haircut.
Some good news though. I'm finishing half half sleeve August 3rd and then later that month getting the rest of my arm started. I'm so amped for some full sleevage.
Since Bento i've been feeling the SG love. It's so cool to meet people from the site in the area. Also, a big farewell to Cornelius Wright who will be leaving the Buckeye State along with his new drunken haircut.

I'm keeping my shit clean. That's all I need is my clit to fall off

that really sucks about the car man....if i decide to go, i'll give you a call...or i'll probably call you either way just to let you know.