The weather in Columbus today was overcast and grey. Despite being confined by both school and work, my day was rather chipper.
My quest for penultimate bebop jazz and begun to metamorphisize into an obsession. My presense at home is easily determined by the echoes of blaring brass, bangin' keys, booming bass, and basic beats, or the lack thereof in my usual absense. My hunt today proved unusually profitable as i loaned myself two cds from WCBE, birthing the remarkable talents of Charlie Parker and Charles Mingus to my collection. Whenever possible, i scrawl the names of impressionable artist from my favorite iTunes Jazz channel to seek out when the time is right.
My crazy ass gets paid Thursday. Normally, i wouldn't have to pay madman court fees and such an occasion would create fantastic impulse buy opportunities. This is not the case this week...
I'm gonna aim for finishing my half sleeve next Wednesday. Hopefully (my artist) Jake will be down to fix the spots i've fucked up on account of my scab picking fixation.
I could ramble on and on today on account the bartered wine which mildy intoxicated my skinny ass over an hour ago, but such a thing would be counterproductive to the work which i will probably avoid anyway on this madman night, not to mention bore the fuck out of you, my faithful reader. Bravo, you've stuck with this rant for a whopping five paragraphs. You're vast attention span is indeed quite admirable, i suggest you celebrate immediantly.
My quest for penultimate bebop jazz and begun to metamorphisize into an obsession. My presense at home is easily determined by the echoes of blaring brass, bangin' keys, booming bass, and basic beats, or the lack thereof in my usual absense. My hunt today proved unusually profitable as i loaned myself two cds from WCBE, birthing the remarkable talents of Charlie Parker and Charles Mingus to my collection. Whenever possible, i scrawl the names of impressionable artist from my favorite iTunes Jazz channel to seek out when the time is right.
My crazy ass gets paid Thursday. Normally, i wouldn't have to pay madman court fees and such an occasion would create fantastic impulse buy opportunities. This is not the case this week...
I'm gonna aim for finishing my half sleeve next Wednesday. Hopefully (my artist) Jake will be down to fix the spots i've fucked up on account of my scab picking fixation.
I could ramble on and on today on account the bartered wine which mildy intoxicated my skinny ass over an hour ago, but such a thing would be counterproductive to the work which i will probably avoid anyway on this madman night, not to mention bore the fuck out of you, my faithful reader. Bravo, you've stuck with this rant for a whopping five paragraphs. You're vast attention span is indeed quite admirable, i suggest you celebrate immediantly.
Today was a gloomy day in Chicago as well. And yes I definately agree with you, sleeping 6.5 hours is perfect. I slept for 3 hours last night, that definately wasn't enough. And as for the bikini pic, I'm not very good with this picture linking nonsense. I will figure it out soon though... hopefully. <3 Ava