Sunday is carribean gone vegan time here at the casa. My awesome veggie friend is coming over to help dig in the most delectable foods. Jerk Lime Fajitas w/ Seitan, "buttery" cannabis plantains, and some other side dish... maybe some sweet potato fries or some garlicy greens. I'm thinking i may be able to make a sorbet with a little tropical fruit (i like Ugli fruit - maybe it's in season) or some mango and papaya is usually an easy find. Should be fun.
All the biking i've been doing has put quite a strain on my right knee, i'm trying to strengthen it up and also work on some flexablity things too.
Hope ya'll are digging the good life.
All the biking i've been doing has put quite a strain on my right knee, i'm trying to strengthen it up and also work on some flexablity things too.
Hope ya'll are digging the good life.
I have a Mac sticker on my purse and an "I <3 LJ" pin on my computer bag. I tend to treat my possessions quite roughly, though, and have lost way too many awesome pins!
thank you for the comment on my video!!