So Merry Christmas everyone. I'm up in Tahoe right now with the family and have spent pretty much every day on the mountain snowboarding with my sisters. It's been awesome! And at breakfast this morning my mom pointed out that it was a White Christmas, which was pretty cool cuz I've never been in the snow on Christmas. I usually resent the holiday season and...
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HELLO! thanks for the friend request! have a nice evening! kisses
Oh hey there, welcome back 

I feel like I've put an unnecessary amount of pressure on the blogs I post on this profile. Either it's the fact that I am given a large amount of space to fill makes me feel more pressure than say a facebook status update that is usually one or two stupid and pointless sentences, or the fact that my life is too boring to give...
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I think we all put a unnecessary amount of pressure on anything we write. I mean the whole point in doing it is to attract attention in some sort of way even if it's just for us. I mean when I vent about something it's mainly for me but I do enjoy someone being like... "Hell YEAH! I hate when people do that..." it makes me feel a bit better
On a different note. I'm a fan of the new prof pictures. mmhmm.

On a different note. I'm a fan of the new prof pictures. mmhmm.
Ok, so this blog is WAY overdue, I've had a lot going on lately, but that's why I haven't had time to post said blog. So I forced myself to finally take a break from my new drum and the Giants games (even though they're playing the braves right now and winning 4-0...knock on wood).
So, I should clarify. The "drum" I'm talking about is...
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So, I should clarify. The "drum" I'm talking about is...
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wow^^ that's really cool.
AHH! I would have died!
AHH! I would have died!
hello boy
Ok, so my Dad's back at work and doing great. He even got a membership at my gym and as soon as the doctors give him the go ahead he and I are going to start working out together.
And for the record, the sentence above may seem cold ("If I believed in God I'd be praying for my dad.") And some people might read...
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And for the record, the sentence above may seem cold ("If I believed in God I'd be praying for my dad.") And some people might read...
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yayy good to hear your dad is doing better.
Yes lets fuck the universe its the poo hole.
ps:see yourself being in Chico say...mid November?
Yes lets fuck the universe its the poo hole.

ps:see yourself being in Chico say...mid November?
So about a month ago my dad's leg started hurting, we just figured it was a muscle thing. But Monday it still hurt and started swelling up, and his heart started beating really fast. So when he went into the hospital they gave him something to slow his heart rate since it was 170 bpm (normal heart rate is 80 bpm) and it broke up...
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Dang....Glad to hear he is getting better....I know it is tough seeing a loved one like that....
Ok, this blog is long over-due but work's been a bitch.
So on January 15th (my birthday) my roommate and my friends told me I had to celebrate my birthday up in Chico. But in the days leading up to the big day, everyone that we meant to hang out with couldn't make it. Finally, right as I was getting into town, my roommate calls...
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So on January 15th (my birthday) my roommate and my friends told me I had to celebrate my birthday up in Chico. But in the days leading up to the big day, everyone that we meant to hang out with couldn't make it. Finally, right as I was getting into town, my roommate calls...
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Definitely lucky. Although the massive amount of norco pills I'm taking isn't ALL that bad... haha.
My brother is the same way. All four of his are in and completely fine. He just has to be careful to not get food stuck between the gum & develop cavities back there.
My brother is the same way. All four of his are in and completely fine. He just has to be careful to not get food stuck between the gum & develop cavities back there.
ohhhhhhh yes!
I had a freakin blast.
I had a freakin blast.
So I'm not going to be going back to Chico next semester, although I will be taking some online classes. I told my parents I was taking a semester off and they freaked out and strong armed me into staying in Ripon and working at the family business...this is the last thing I would want to do on the planet! But they control the majority...
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bah ha ha ha! you made me giggle
My last final is OVER!!!! Now I'm having my traditional post-last-final martini and I'm gonna clean the apartment for the kick-back tonight and the party tomorrow, and give the ferrets a bath.
And after this I'm done for A WHILE since next semester I'm taking a break from school to substitute teach before I start the credential program.
And after this I'm done for A WHILE since next semester I'm taking a break from school to substitute teach before I start the credential program.


Man, I was really losing it stressing out about my Italian quizes, and I haven't had a cigarette by myself and sober for almost a month now. But, I stepped outside and had one and now I feel a million times better! I guess I'll have to go back to quitting after finals are over.
Oh, and now I'm going to pull an all-nighter doing...
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Oh, and now I'm going to pull an all-nighter doing...
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good luck on all your finals! and fuck I am loving this rain!
Ok, so I procrastinated on a huge paper that was due in my Tuesday night class. So I pulled an all-nighter to finish it, and then in order to not fall asleep in my night class I drank two cups of coffee and was wired for a while. So on the way home after my Nightclub 2-step class I grabbed a forty and drank it...
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wooooooow...what a story!
oh..and you are sooo sweet! I am so happy you liked my makeshift set!
Epsilon and Gatsby