I've noticed a few of you have been asking me about Charlotte.
I need to clear something up.....
I don't live in Charlotte. I live in a small town about an hour from Charlotte. I did live in Charlotte years ago, and I really liked it, but circumstances at the time forced me to move where I am now.
I put Charlotte in my profile because it's a place people can familiarize with. Had I put where I really live, you'd be scratching your heads.
Plus....I don't feel comfortable disclosing my true location.
It's Saturday. I'm in the middle of my morning routine: coffee and posting. I was up late last night working on a short story for an anthology and I came to the conclusion that I don't enjoy writing about Hell.
It's a Hell themed antho, and I'd like to get in, but Hell just doesn't drive me for some reason.
Fucking H-E Double Hockey Stick.
I've noticed a few of you have been asking me about Charlotte.
I need to clear something up.....
I don't live in Charlotte. I live in a small town about an hour from Charlotte. I did live in Charlotte years ago, and I really liked it, but circumstances at the time forced me to move where I am now.
I put Charlotte in my profile because it's a place people can familiarize with. Had I put where I really live, you'd be scratching your heads.

Plus....I don't feel comfortable disclosing my true location.
It's Saturday. I'm in the middle of my morning routine: coffee and posting. I was up late last night working on a short story for an anthology and I came to the conclusion that I don't enjoy writing about Hell.
It's a Hell themed antho, and I'd like to get in, but Hell just doesn't drive me for some reason.
Fucking H-E Double Hockey Stick.
No one has heard of Pettisville. Population: Tire