Another late night post. I have really horrible sleep patterns.....
Sooo.... not really a lot going on in my life. I was hoping to get out of this Dead Beat, Middle of bum fuck nowhere town in Michigan by this summer, but the government decided to cut classes for the school i was hoping to go to, and it might be another year till i get to go. Not really sure what to do. Stay in and sign up for another few years of this Coast Guard deal waiting longer to go back to college, or get out next year and go back to college. My mind is so beat on thinking about it, and I'm a bit lost on what i really want to do.
I need a vacation.... my family was like go on a singles cruise....
first thought.... Hell no! It's way too expensive.... I really would like to get away, but I don't wanna spend the money. Which is kind of funny cause normally I'd blow money on anything that involved my own entertainment.
This made me laugh today
think i'll post this little deal i wrote sometime back and see what people think...
It's a bit emo, but it was something I felt needed to be written. Enjoy....
Some days I wake and I want the world to end, some days I wake and the world just is
I look around for a sign that an answer will come, then I realize that it isnt there to find The world falls apart in front of me, I fall to my knees to realize my mistake then cry.
They all had great expectations of me, thought Id be the one to win the fight
I let myself fall blindly into the emptiness, I let those watching down in the worst way Now all alone I sit in my self pity wondering why, even though I already know.
Times were great it seemed, long nights with the friends who seemed to care
When shit started to go wrong they were no where to be found, it hurt so much
The only one there to save me was myself, and I didnt even try to fight it.
The end came quick and powerful, so painful it was nearly painless
Tears rolled down my face slowly, then I began to fade away from the world
No one noticed that I was gone, my shade was not a haunt on their memory.
Now cold and dark I am stuck with what could have been, a life thrown away
The world moves on without me, leaving me behind to be burned by my mistake
I accept defeat once and for all, I see my last glimpse of what was and disappear.
Well, think sleep has caught me again, and I have work tomorrow. My work schedule is just as jacked as my sleep. WTF.....
Let me know what ya'll think.

Sooo.... not really a lot going on in my life. I was hoping to get out of this Dead Beat, Middle of bum fuck nowhere town in Michigan by this summer, but the government decided to cut classes for the school i was hoping to go to, and it might be another year till i get to go. Not really sure what to do. Stay in and sign up for another few years of this Coast Guard deal waiting longer to go back to college, or get out next year and go back to college. My mind is so beat on thinking about it, and I'm a bit lost on what i really want to do.

I need a vacation.... my family was like go on a singles cruise....

This made me laugh today

think i'll post this little deal i wrote sometime back and see what people think...
It's a bit emo, but it was something I felt needed to be written. Enjoy....
Some days I wake and I want the world to end, some days I wake and the world just is
I look around for a sign that an answer will come, then I realize that it isnt there to find The world falls apart in front of me, I fall to my knees to realize my mistake then cry.
They all had great expectations of me, thought Id be the one to win the fight
I let myself fall blindly into the emptiness, I let those watching down in the worst way Now all alone I sit in my self pity wondering why, even though I already know.
Times were great it seemed, long nights with the friends who seemed to care
When shit started to go wrong they were no where to be found, it hurt so much
The only one there to save me was myself, and I didnt even try to fight it.
The end came quick and powerful, so painful it was nearly painless
Tears rolled down my face slowly, then I began to fade away from the world
No one noticed that I was gone, my shade was not a haunt on their memory.
Now cold and dark I am stuck with what could have been, a life thrown away
The world moves on without me, leaving me behind to be burned by my mistake
I accept defeat once and for all, I see my last glimpse of what was and disappear.
Well, think sleep has caught me again, and I have work tomorrow. My work schedule is just as jacked as my sleep. WTF.....

Let me know what ya'll think.