Well, I guess it's time to update again. On Saturday my buddy Colleen calls me and says she has free tickets to go see the Von Bondies in San Francisco and asks if I want to go. I'm not a fan of the Von Bondies but, hell the tickets are free and she's cute. Only one hitch, I have to drive. I hate driving in...
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Yea. Shopping is kind of a drag this season. Not much is out there. Seems like the stores dont want to go on sale anymore!? Usually they have tons. Urgh. And being on a budget I cant just splurge on ppl.
I think thats whats bothering me too. Im so low on $$$ I cant buy the things I really wanna get ppl.

thanks so much about my set!!!

Haven't updated in awhile so here it goes. I've been really busy lately with work and my writing. I'm finally over my writers block and pushing ahead with my script. Hopefully, it will be done and edited soon. Met some cool new members this week. Troynotoi and Szaltax you guys fucking kick ass. Last night, went to the local sports bar with Rick to watch...
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yeah, iwould have never thought that a movie with puppets could hold my attention for 2 hrs but it did and how.
Haven't updated in awhile so I guess it's time. I've been really busy with work and baby's mama drama. Two weeks ago she kisses me for the first time since we broke up ten years ago. I'm thinking, "What the hell is going on here?". She has definitely changed, she has stopped drinking heavily and partying, and that's attractive. So anyways her birthday is coming...
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Thank you for the comment on my set!

thanx for the photo complament,that was one of the better pics i've taken of myself. it's weird within the past year my luck with the ladies has definetly changed for the better, i think one of the reasons why is an increase in confidence. when i first started meeting the girls that i've been with this year i would freak out about thing's in my head every time and now i just try to let shit happen cuz it's not gunna help me out at all to even fucking worry about shit, i know myself and what i have to offer and if girls in this world can't see that, fuck em all. boys like us need to stick together man. later. =troy=
Well, I'm sitting here stuck at my desk at work bored because we're slow right now. Not a lot of work equals not a lot of money. At least my screenwriting is going well. There's a big screenwriters conference at the end of the month here in the SF bay area. Hopefully, I'll have the money to attend. I'm so sick of my mundane life...
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No, babe. Thank You! Can't wait for the next set.

Thank you for the nice comment you left on my set. I really appreciate it!