Well like normal things are different. Its Saturday morning and Im awake for the past 3 hrs!! Why? Well cause I've changed postions at my work and now I start work at 6am!!! Way to early for this guy, but having my 8hrs done by 2pm is good and work monday to friday is always a bonus!! So the question is WHAT DO I DO???? No one else is up at this time!!! LOL
More Blogs
Friday Jul 23, 2010
Maybe I'm missing something with this site but there isn't alot of ac… -
Saturday May 29, 2010
Well the day after my last "blog" (yeah in still trying to get this g… -
Sunday May 16, 2010
A. Three names I go by: 1. Andrew 2. Drew 3. Bra… -
Friday May 14, 2010
Now i've found out that my tattoo artist has yet again switched shops… -
Monday May 10, 2010
Weather good? - check New Battery - check Install new battery - che… -
Saturday May 08, 2010
Well the battery on my bike died during out lovely cold snap that we … -
Sunday Apr 18, 2010
Yeah so this whole blog thing isn't really working out for me, just n… -
Saturday Jan 23, 2010
Well like normal things are different. Its Saturday morning and Im aw… -
Thursday Dec 17, 2009
OH OH OH just about xmas shopping and its not the 24th!!! LMAO Well … -
Saturday Dec 12, 2009
We are now just less than 2 weeks left in this holiday season, and th…