WOW, have I been busy busy LOL. The Job has me deicated to the hills i tell ya. You might be able to guess that I work in retail beening that its the holiday season and ive been workin so much. Hopefully tomorrow ill be able to sit back and just write abit of whats going on, but i have to finish my drink and head to bed cause i will be at work for a short time in about 6 hrs LOL
More Blogs
Friday Jul 23, 2010
Maybe I'm missing something with this site but there isn't alot of ac… -
Saturday May 29, 2010
Well the day after my last "blog" (yeah in still trying to get this g… -
Sunday May 16, 2010
A. Three names I go by: 1. Andrew 2. Drew 3. Bra… -
Friday May 14, 2010
Now i've found out that my tattoo artist has yet again switched shops… -
Monday May 10, 2010
Weather good? - check New Battery - check Install new battery - che… -
Saturday May 08, 2010
Well the battery on my bike died during out lovely cold snap that we … -
Sunday Apr 18, 2010
Yeah so this whole blog thing isn't really working out for me, just n… -
Saturday Jan 23, 2010
Well like normal things are different. Its Saturday morning and Im aw… -
Thursday Dec 17, 2009
OH OH OH just about xmas shopping and its not the 24th!!! LMAO Well … -
Saturday Dec 12, 2009
We are now just less than 2 weeks left in this holiday season, and th…