I would say Suicide Girls has a problem, because a lot of people seem to plan on not renewing their membership when it runs out.

I must have pissed-off Shandyowl because he didn't say bye when he left here, and I sent him an email and received no reply. Sorry man for whatever I did.

I decided to learn the whole Ramones library starting with...
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She has a pug, and I've got the papillon, so their weight together is probably 15 pounds lol. Yeah, the girl is actually married to her once boyfriend in high school, who after her and I had our moment called and cussed me out. Very odd. The one I hope to see at the party is Randy, the one I was bitching about on here for about two months a few months back. But it won't happen. I did hear he is still alive so I guess the heroin hasn't killed him yet.

And as a matter of fact I was standing outside the door waiting for the store to open yesterday morning to buy his new album lol. And I love it. How are YOU doin? lol
My biggest moan about SG is that they always put "Send Message" so close to "End Friendship". It is an accident waiting to happen.
I just finished watching the Grammy's. That's just wrong.

I like the Dixie Chicks. I stood by them when most of their listeners abandoned them because they were Bush-bashers. But tonight to give them 75 awards just because Bush's stock is down? IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT THE ART, PEOPLE. The artistic quality of Dixie Chicks music has been pretty consistent. But there has been...
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Haven't spoken to you i a bit, how are things? I have every intention of winning one with my own name on it one day and i can assure you they won't be able to shift me from the stage with a mere audio cue. lol
In the history of my time with guys, I've had one bf who we sort of clicked when it came to cuddling and such. But he was bitchy and mildly abusive. The rest of the guys? Good friends, cool to hang with, some great sex here and there, but not really emotionally fulfilling.
My home state of Oklahoma ranks 28th in population out of 50 states, yet we have won Miss America two years in a row.

This is a picture of last years Miss America from Oklahoma crowning this year's Miss America, also from Oklahoma.

Does this mean we have more beautiful women per capita than the other states? I mean no disrespect to them by this...
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Haha, name change time again...this one stays though.<3
I think they do it all for the tiara, personallytongue
Trouble is, I've already wasted two years.
I'm lucid now, which is good...but not perfect.
Went to vote this morning. There were 200 people in line and they only had 5 pens to fill-out ballots (it's a special pen). They had 20 voting booths, but only 5 pens. It takes 8 minutes to complete the ballot with all the county dickheads on there, so in other words: not everyone was going to get through the line. I'm lucky I got...
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Who would have thought multiple choice would be such a chore. it takes the best part of five seconds to vote here. And it's always a wasted vote i feel.
I went to vote this morning too in and out in 10 minutes no line whatsoever. Was mid day too so who knows. That sucks that it took you so long to vote but its good that you did . What would be cool is if they could somehow do an online voting that was safe so you could do it at home in your underwear and socks.
So it's my birthday.

How am I, now another year older? I am great. I have all I need and want in life: love, happiness, security, friendships, all vital and optional organs are operating, all limbs still intact.

There is a song lyric that applies: the clock is another demon that devours our time in Eden.

I intend to keep living today and tomorrow as...
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How about Wednesday at 11:30 again? I'll have to be more particular on time though (ie be leaving by 12:30)
Happy Birthday!
Hey, it's so good to met another Jorryn fan, she is one divine lady, she needs more fans!
July 12, 1979 Chicago. A genre of music both died and begun it's rebirth. At the time, it was news more because it was a near riot and caused a major-league baseball game to be forfeited. But looking back now it was one of those situations where the glut of media and cultural focus on one type of music - disco - caused an explosive...
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yeah wuss is the correct spelling it's just i've never been one for accuray in that dept. ironic a professional writer with three years behind him and i still can spell. I will do my best to avoid further injury but it's never a gaurentee with me.
Okay so kinda like this spirtual gotta die before you can live or be remembered kinda deal?.. I guess I can respect that. Hmm come to think of it Id like to test that theory out in some real world situations. It would make a great horror film. But you know it kinda sounds like the movie Saw now that I think about it. They didnt cherish the life they had so he made them dead. And when faced with death it made them want to live again and cherish life kinda a new spark up thier ass...Wait where was I going with this...Hmm did that make any sense? I hope so cause im tired and the snag on my heel is getting longer..Its gonna be a hole if I keep this up. Anyways hope that made sense to what we are talking about.
If not I blame the fumes from the laundry detergent.
My trip to Denver went well. Our project and hotel were all within walking distance downtown in the 16th St area. It was nice being able to walk to get everywhere and not having to deal with the car, getting lost in an unfamiliar place, etc.

We all enjoyed seeing snowcapped mountains since we do not have any scenery like that close to here.

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getting stuck anywhere isn't the best but i've always made the best of it. Hope the Dever project is a big success.

I've been offered another dvd to work on as well, it's for the rival team and it too s expected to sell between forty and fifty thousand units come christmas. That's pretty good going for a little fledgling company like mine to be able to say "one hundrecd thousand units sold" I think that'll look good on any potential pitch document.

I am officially a tender of bars and i love it. Forget media production, this actually may be my true calling in life. Who would have thunk it.
Hey Dreu , whats up !! glad you had a good trip !

Dreu's alcohol questionairre:

How old were you when you took your first drink and what was it?
What is the sneakiest thing you ever did to enjoy a drink when you weren't supposed to?
What is the most ignorant non-sexual thing you ever did while drunk?
How old were you when you took your first drink and what was it? Age 4, dad let me take a few swigs of Pabst Blue Ribbon, a Milwaukee product suprisingly.

What is the sneakiest thing you ever did to enjoy a drink when you weren't supposed to? My first job out of college I had a 45 minute drive through the country. If I knew know one was going to be home when I got home I would stop at the mini-mart and buy a 32 oz or 40 oz beer and drink it on the road on the way home in the late afternoon. If the conditions are right, I will still do this now from time to time. I can imagine trying to explain this to a police officer if I ever get pulled over.

What is the most ignorant non-sexual thing you ever did while drunk? A couple come to mind, but I'm sure some of you will have wilder answers. One time we played tug of war for 2-3 hours and all had bloody blisters on our hands the next day. At one of my high school class reunions, we danced on the tables of our old school and broke a bunch of them. We received a bill.
How old were you when you took your first drink and what was it?

What is the sneakiest thing you ever did to enjoy a drink when you weren't supposed to?
A better question would be what haven't I done to get a drink in the past.

What is the most ignorant non-sexual thing you ever did while drunk?
Broken into many, MANY buildings including the old Temple of Israel (stole the little house model), the building at 401 S Elgin, the mansion that used to be at Denver and Edison, Camelot, and I forget where else. Other things include breaking bottles behind Gypsy, boxing with friends, playing a game of throwing bottles in the swimming pool we were in (when one broke we dived to recover it), and that's all that comes to mind at the moment. Sadly enough, those are all things that have been done in the last couple years. God knows what happened in high school.
One of my employees in his 40's has been wiring money to someone that he met over the internet. He believes it is a woman from Ghana (but she is white) that is going to come here to the U.S. and be his girlfriend. Four times he has sent her money to buy a plane ticket and then *surprise* she is not on the plane....
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Sad to hear your employee keeps sending money in the hopes of love,

I guess what they say is true, love is blind, even if it is only on his part !

Yeah I had a hunch you'd dig Axis. We're practicing again and will hopefully play some shows here in the next month or two.
Funny guys - My Morning Jacket. I opened the liner notes of the new live CD Okonokos and started flipping through. I noticed there were biographies of each band member. Naturally I turned to lead singer Jim James first. I read the first sentence "Jim James, who has died at age 27." WHAT the fuck?

I looked it up online to make sure he wasn't...
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Ironically the forty-eight hours i was caught in a twist about produced an unexpected solution... i picked up a virus. Although it's not plesant, it was the perfect thing to take my mind off of life. Everything else gets turned down when all you think about is how to stop your head and belly from aching. I thought things might get worse before getting better but i didn't consider the getting worse being the solution. strange how life balances you out. Thanks for the concern. i do appreciate it.
thanks for the comment on my set
but i dont know how to go about doing that
I am in a civic club where we have to bring prizes worth about $5 that the members draw for. It is my turn to do this about once every six months. The members range in age from 21 to 90. About 75% male 25% female. Any ideas of what I could get?

I hate bringing something with no originality like a coffee mug.
Man, I'm drawing a blank on that. It's hard to pick something generic without being common, like mugs. Especially with such a wide age range. Wiyh so many men, maybe something sports related? But that might not work for the women. Some sort of food, maybe? A flashlight, a small one, might be handy. I wish I could be more help. I'm just not thinking of anything. Hope you figure it out!
Remember the ad that kept flashing up at the top of Suicide Girls a few weeks ago for the CD Mellowdrone Box? Did anyone else check them out besides me?

Apparently this is the first full-length CD for the L.A. band. I don't see them reaching rock-legend status, but I am really enjoying this quirky album. Some of the songs are dull, but quite a...
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glad you enjoyin the horrorpops. you should check them out live they roooooooooooooooock!!
I am seeking solace in a lot of music at the moment but i'm using it as more of a distraction than anything else. you can pretty much garner my mood by what i'm listening to. Sometimes i'll try and force a different mood out of myself by listening to something i'm not necessarily up for but either way it's all good distraction... like girls.

As far as tweaking decisions, the dials are popping so i'm attempting a major reset without the manual. but who reads manuals?

These things all come to an end eventually, it might not be the resolution that we hope for but it's resolution never-the-les and i'm a big fan of resolve.

I'm gonna check out that band you mention.