sometimes it's nice to stay up late and just think about your own existence for a while. I'll probably never get any answers to the questions i come up with, but I think the search gives me some insight into how i want to live my life.


So I've been toying with online dating for a couple of months... and it has been awful. about 50% of the problem is that i have a really hard time picking up on when a girl is hitting on me. the other 50% of the time things seem to go great and then the other party just disappears. I've only met up with one person...
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good news. I just recieved a new car from my parents. my old car worked... most of the time, but i would spend just about every weekend doing maintenance just to keep it running, and every time i drove it i would be paranoid about the next part to break. hopefully I'll find myself with more free money and time now, which brings me to...
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so i've been thinking of getting a sg membership for a while now, I finally took the plunge. So far with the new year I feel like I'm finally starting my own life. Just started renting my own apartment, finally getting a car that I don't have to work on every weekend, and started my first long term job. Things are crazy, and I feel...
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