This is so frustrating. Work've sent me home again, this time for playing guitar with one of the residents, of all things. I've got to call in to the management tommorow to see what they've going to about me. I can't get hold of any of my friends, so I've got to sit it out till tommorow. Grrr!
More Blogs
Monday Apr 25, 2005
This is so frustrating. Work've sent me home again, this time for pla… -
Saturday Apr 09, 2005
Work's sortet out, whole thing was over something very stupid. Appa… -
Thursday Mar 24, 2005
I am having a bizare day. Went into work as normal, only to be told t… -
Thursday Mar 17, 2005
Doubt anyone reads this, but I've just been accepted into university … -
Monday Nov 29, 2004
Once upon a time, a boy met a girl, and they fell in love. It was an … -
Friday Oct 22, 2004
Woo, I have the whole weekend off. If only I had somewhere to go... … -
Friday Oct 15, 2004
Yay, I have friends! <waves> hi guys! Now I need an army. Does … -
Thursday Oct 14, 2004
Well, sing the psyk was a waste of time. I'm thinking of going privat… -
Monday Oct 11, 2004
Hey guys....well, I guess this is where I should introduce myself. …