Well, sing the psyk was a waste of time. I'm thinking of going private now. I had a junior doctor who knew nothing about as and couldn't actually *do* anything for me. I've got another appointent in ten weeks' time! I need a reference to another unit to get my diagnosis, and it's going to take forever at this rate.
Oh well, at least I have two days off work now
I was on a working holiday last week, which really took a lot out of me. Was hard work,, and I don't think I impressed anyone much...was difficult to cope with upsetting all my routines and such. Tho I doubt anyone would cope well with being stuck with a couple of strangers for a week with whom you have nothing in common, was esp. hard for me as I have other stuff to deal with at the same time. I really need some real life friends too, I'm losing my social skills!
Anyways, in good news I've finally started my open uni course in the humanities. Costs about 500 ($750, I think) and I got it for free because I'm on a low income! Woohoo! And I've also ordred some 'shrooms off the net, should come tommorow so I'm looking forward to being happily high!
Take care y'all!
Oh well, at least I have two days off work now

Anyways, in good news I've finally started my open uni course in the humanities. Costs about 500 ($750, I think) and I got it for free because I'm on a low income! Woohoo! And I've also ordred some 'shrooms off the net, should come tommorow so I'm looking forward to being happily high!
Take care y'all!
This is a truly great army of dudes.
zombies are great too