I didn't dress up this year... this is the 1st year that I didn't have anything to do. I was at a wedding the weekend before which squashed any plans that I would have made to do anything and for the actual day of... I had therapy in the city just off 6th ave, So... as they are setting up for the parade I am...
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Lucky Jeans and Jamba Jucie sound like not a bad thing to do on a detour. I love both those places too!
Hope you are having a good weekend!
Weekend was a BLAST!!! Philly is Fun.. I think that that should be their new slogan. As I was driving home I heard that Philly was named the State with the most ugly people... Just after Texas. All the people I saw there looked good. I drank at Burbon Blue in Manayunk and then to Finnigan's Wake... which I would have loved if I was...
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Glad you had a great time partying in Philly. Ugliest people in Pennsylvania?... Well I guess it does pretty much boarder New Jersey tongue I travel quite a bit and to just about every state and would not rank PA or TX as having the ugliest people. In fact I thought Austin and Dallas had some of the prettiest people I have seen. Who ever made the determination that the ugliest people need to get to some other states wink
So what exactly is a demin cock?
That video is unrealistic... everyone knows that a jack-o-lantern vs. cute teddy bear... cute teddy bear will always win.

I found the link

Philly has the ugliest people eeek eeek eeek
These people need to travel more... San Diego made the list... there are some hotties there!
My grandfather got an award from the Catholic Migration Orginization called The Shining Star Award. He has done so much for the Polish community and for Catholic's that his Parish honored him with an award. There were 21 recipients. It was really nice.
Dad was there... It was uneventful and he saw my ring and rolled his eyes. That would have been the reaction I...
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Congratulations to your Grandfather! That is awesome.
Sorry your father wasn't more supportive (or supportive at all). At least your therapist gave you a good strategy. Hope you have a great time at the bachlorette party.
Have a great week!
I get to go see my dad who I haven't spoke to in a year tonight.... wish me luck.


Hope you had a wonderful free day!
Good luck with your dad. Let us know how it goes.
Is there Nakedness on HAPPY FRIKKIN FREE DAY FRIDAY???
And... I'M SPENT.
I can't drink like I used to... my belly.
My ability to drink... has left me.

I hope you get some rest. Sounds like despite your tolerance level, you had a great time.
Have a wonderful week!
It's my 32nd Birthday
I feel 25, look 22, FINALLY act my age smile
No calories count today and I wanna eat cake!!!!

eeek love biggrin kiss love eeek biggrin kiss
happy birthday!
CAKE!!! Yum!!! Happy BirthDay!!!
Happy Thursday!!!

6 days until my 32nd B-day and I am excited. My bud from Ausitn is in to sing a little and gig out at the old stomping grounds and I am so excited bout that!!!! The old band that my bud Min and I used to go see ALL THE TIME has regrouped and they are playing in Alphabet city the day after...
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I'm glad you are getting excited for your BDay. It sounds like you will have a blast!
30 Bras?! eeek That's like $600... I hope you made it back in free drinks wink
You may not be able to smell tequila but here is a bottle you can look at
Happy almost Bday! I am sure even though your birthday falls mid week it won't stop you from doing some big time celebrating.
I thought you might like that tequila bottle. I first saw it in an Irish bar believe it or not. Of course it was a good conversation piece that led to shots. Pretty good marketing wink
me likey! i have to save up some cash, i need new ink...
Hey, I seen you on RT3 this morning around 7:20. I was stairing at the car and the plate and thinking to myself that it seemed familiar and then it clicked. I honked to get your attention but you were focused on trying to get to the right lane without getting smashed by all the speeders.
Sigh... so I get to my local Tattoo place and see my guy (my fiancee in the chair getting more shading on his leg) and he talls met hat this is really his day off and he would like to offer me 2 choices...

1. I get the outline today and in 2-3 weeks I come back and get the shading after I heal

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That's some sagaalas some things are worth waiting for
Sorry you have to wait... but gives you something to be excited about. Plus everyone will be off on Monday and you can show off your fresh tattoo when it looks the very best to everyone!
I always tell people that "there is no such thing as an emergency tattoo." Sometimes a little time and patients is for the best.
Good luck! Post pictures of your tattoo when it is done! We would love to see how it turns out.
Have a great rest of your week!
I am sitting on my couch on a sunday... my man is away for a week. I just painted a belly cast of my friends 1st baby and I am going to do her 2nd when I give her back her 1st. I'm doing some laundry and I could clean the house but... I think that will wait til tomorrow. Its Sunday for christsake!!!
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Hope you had a wonderful time relaxing. New Tattoo... I'm excited for you. You'll have to post some pictures when it is done.
Have a great week.