Happy Thursday!!!
6 days until my 32nd B-day and I am excited. My bud from Ausitn is in to sing a little and gig out at the old stomping grounds and I am so excited bout that!!!! The old band that my bud Min and I used to go see ALL THE TIME has regrouped and they are playing in Alphabet city the day after my B-day and I am so SUPER excited to see them!!! This band was playing around the time in my life when I was a little wild... I think that Hogs and Heiffers (uptown) has like 30 of my bras... I drank my weight in Tequila and flashed the girls to the boys.
Ahh... the good ol days
haahaha I can't even smell tequila anymore.
I got old... I don't know when but I did. But I had a rip snortin' time doing it.
6 days until my 32nd B-day and I am excited. My bud from Ausitn is in to sing a little and gig out at the old stomping grounds and I am so excited bout that!!!! The old band that my bud Min and I used to go see ALL THE TIME has regrouped and they are playing in Alphabet city the day after my B-day and I am so SUPER excited to see them!!! This band was playing around the time in my life when I was a little wild... I think that Hogs and Heiffers (uptown) has like 30 of my bras... I drank my weight in Tequila and flashed the girls to the boys.
Ahh... the good ol days

I got old... I don't know when but I did. But I had a rip snortin' time doing it.

30 Bras?!
You may not be able to smell tequila but here is a bottle you can look at
I thought you might like that tequila bottle. I first saw it in an Irish bar believe it or not. Of course it was a good conversation piece that led to shots. Pretty good marketing