8 WEEKS!!!!!

eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek
Very exciting!
8 weeks
So excited!

We are going to go to NC in May to look at houses and also get our marriage license
I'm officially in the double digits. March, 7 I will be 3 months from the wedding.
HOLY CRAP that was fast.

May we go look at houses in Charlotte.
Good luck with the house shopping. I have to admit a choice between North Carolina and NJ... I am also picking North Carolina.
Have fun in the next 100 (less) days.
thanks dude. how's the move going?


I love ignorance... I needed some comic relief in my day.

108 TO GO!!!
Going to NC for my 1st fitting this weekend.
Be back soon.

They do

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
earthquake of the butt

138 Days.... Then I'll be married smile
I am so excited.

Everything is done... all planned... dress fitting scheduled for end of February in NC and Also looking for a job and a house and planning all at the same time... I love high oactane stress.

All the planning is done! You are a rock star! All that other stress is just little stuff wink Good luck! I know you will do great!
I am going to be in NJ (Park Ridge) but not sure how much down time I will have.
Happy New Year to all of my SG buds.
My favorite thing so far was walking in NYC with my SG hoodie on and seeing another SG hoodie smile
The word is spreading... nice!

But... now that its 18 degrees out here... I would need to layer
KEEP WARM (till Monday when its supossed to be 57 degrees)

Happy New Year! Glad you had a good one. Have a wonderful weekend!
You're so cute.
I was part of a movement 6 years ago that just all came together recently and today was the screening of this beautiful piece of work. It was spectacular to see what we all looked like 6 years ago and how many LESS tattoos I had and what color my hair was... BLONDE!!! Very Blonde. It was wonderful to get together with the ladies that...
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Very cool. It didn't say where it can be viewed. Is this something that is going to be up on the web? Hope you are doing well.
I'm stuffed...

My Turkey Day was good. I ate and slept and did nothing while spending time at the In-Laws in NC.
My Fiance and I have made a decision to move to Charlotte, NC after the wedding and buy a house.
We can't afford to live here in the NE. For 300K I can't get anything live-able. I would be going backwards from what...
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Good Luck with the move it does get really Hot and Muggy a lot of the year down there
Glad you had a great Thanksgiving. Charlotte is one of my very favorite cities. I think you will love it there (I don't think they were on the ugliest people list either wink ).
Hopefully you can get your neighbor to turn down the music.
Good luck and have a great rest of your week.
I didn't dress up this year... this is the 1st year that I didn't have anything to do. I was at a wedding the weekend before which squashed any plans that I would have made to do anything and for the actual day of... I had therapy in the city just off 6th ave, So... as they are setting up for the parade I am...
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Lucky Jeans and Jamba Jucie sound like not a bad thing to do on a detour. I love both those places too!
Hope you are having a good weekend!
Weekend was a BLAST!!! Philly is Fun.. I think that that should be their new slogan. As I was driving home I heard that Philly was named the State with the most ugly people... Just after Texas. All the people I saw there looked good. I drank at Burbon Blue in Manayunk and then to Finnigan's Wake... which I would have loved if I was...
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Glad you had a great time partying in Philly. Ugliest people in Pennsylvania?... Well I guess it does pretty much boarder New Jersey tongue I travel quite a bit and to just about every state and would not rank PA or TX as having the ugliest people. In fact I thought Austin and Dallas had some of the prettiest people I have seen. Who ever made the determination that the ugliest people need to get to some other states wink
So what exactly is a demin cock?
That video is unrealistic... everyone knows that a jack-o-lantern vs. cute teddy bear... cute teddy bear will always win.

I found the link

Philly has the ugliest people eeek eeek eeek
These people need to travel more... San Diego made the list... there are some hotties there!
My grandfather got an award from the Catholic Migration Orginization called The Shining Star Award. He has done so much for the Polish community and for Catholic's that his Parish honored him with an award. There were 21 recipients. It was really nice.
Dad was there... It was uneventful and he saw my ring and rolled his eyes. That would have been the reaction I...
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Congratulations to your Grandfather! That is awesome.
Sorry your father wasn't more supportive (or supportive at all). At least your therapist gave you a good strategy. Hope you have a great time at the bachlorette party.
Have a great week!
I get to go see my dad who I haven't spoke to in a year tonight.... wish me luck.


Hope you had a wonderful free day!
Good luck with your dad. Let us know how it goes.
Is there Nakedness on HAPPY FRIKKIN FREE DAY FRIDAY???