I am here in Vancouver BC for my oldest friend's 29th B-Day party. He always gets a hot tub sent over for the night. Also it is billed as "BingeFest 3000" (there have been several "BingeFests" and "Evil House Parties" in this house which I used to live in). The rules are everyone, even non-drinkers, must bring a bottle/case/etc of something so that there is a sort of communal stash that will allow noone to run out all night. I got a case of Growers pear cider (I love sweet Vancouver ciders) and a big ole bottle of Jager which is in the freezer right now. Should be a blast.
While I was at work yesterday Roxy turned on her web cam and had a real time refreshing picture of her sitting around (fully clothed you pervs!
) and surfing the net and doing nothing special. It just blew me away and floored me completely to see her like that. It reminded me how very much I miss her. I ended up saving 87 stills of her surfing the web, stretching, smiling, yawning, whatever...
I am so sappy but I love it that way. Be one with the cheese.
Roxy: Big
es and hugs and
to you. I will see you soon, but never soon enough.
While I was at work yesterday Roxy turned on her web cam and had a real time refreshing picture of her sitting around (fully clothed you pervs!

I am so sappy but I love it that way. Be one with the cheese.
Roxy: Big

no..not country