Roxy is away and I'm over taking care of her kitties. I love
, even though
likes to bat at my face when I am trying to watch Samurai Saturdays on IFC.
UPDATE: I keep forgetting to tell you folks about the super cool SEAttle deCOMPRESSION party (SeaCompression). Go check it out if you are in the Seattle area. Burning Man people and parties always rock.
UPDATE2: Back from the grey-ness again.

UPDATE: I keep forgetting to tell you folks about the super cool SEAttle deCOMPRESSION party (SeaCompression). Go check it out if you are in the Seattle area. Burning Man people and parties always rock.
UPDATE2: Back from the grey-ness again.
i'll tell you all about this idea i've got next time. i should have some new drawings by then too.