I'm going to Burning Man Decompression in San Francisco this weekend. I'll be there Sunday, but I'm sure I'm dragging my new Burner friends to Zeitgeist for a few hours of off-season PubSquat-ette.
It is still up in the air whether it will be afternoon or evening Saturday (tomorrow) or perhaps more likely afternoon on Monday before I fly out in the evening.
I'll update when I know.
It is decided. We will be at Zeitgeist Monday early afternoon. Drop by ye who may.)
and I guess "Hi there everyone. I'm not dead."
- Tiger
Confidential to freckle - Dissaprove all you want... a guy doing more or less annual journal posts and "photoshopping" with MS Paint will take whatever kind of 2 he gets.
It is still up in the air whether it will be afternoon or evening Saturday (tomorrow) or perhaps more likely afternoon on Monday before I fly out in the evening.
I'll update when I know.
It is decided. We will be at Zeitgeist Monday early afternoon. Drop by ye who may.)
and I guess "Hi there everyone. I'm not dead."
- Tiger
Confidential to freckle - Dissaprove all you want... a guy doing more or less annual journal posts and "photoshopping" with MS Paint will take whatever kind of 2 he gets.

enjoy your happenings and Zeitgeistments.