Belated Eagle Fathers day...aka P The Great
Thank you for everything. Giving good advice. Listening to me when I sporatically email you.(out of the blue to boot) Letting be be myself and not making me feel less as a woman for the bad decisions I have made. Your truly a friend. Im sure many many people can say the same.
Love Dreamer

Yesterday..My daughter turned 18. sigh sigh sigh she's not ready ...she's a baby please g-d Im sorry for being so bad when I was young...please karma karma karma dont arrest this lady.

I was wondering what she was whispering to her sister when we went to the park later that day.

and this was all thank g-d

I am alive.dizzy but alive.

Thank you for everything. Giving good advice. Listening to me when I sporatically email you.(out of the blue to boot) Letting be be myself and not making me feel less as a woman for the bad decisions I have made. Your truly a friend. Im sure many many people can say the same.
Love Dreamer

Yesterday..My daughter turned 18. sigh sigh sigh she's not ready ...she's a baby please g-d Im sorry for being so bad when I was young...please karma karma karma dont arrest this lady.

I was wondering what she was whispering to her sister when we went to the park later that day.

and this was all thank g-d

I am alive.dizzy but alive.

The idea of teenagers is so scary isn't it? I'm not sure why: I lived through it.
Yes parenting is so challenging isn't it.
I feel like I am so bad at it and so mean.
Then other times I'm good and all that.
Who know's I know my boys love me. I know the steps love me too. I just hope I can make some ground on the crap fest of behavior. It is totally killing me.
Your train trip will have some good memories I am sure.
Stick with it.
Hey have you posted your pics anywhere else yet???