Well last night I had sexual relation with my friend again. Somewhat better than the last but for some reason Im still not attracted to her. Mind you my other friend I like her a lot better as far as wanting to just lay her down and stuff. But I cant although she gave me a hickie last night. Why you ask?
I kinda think I settled. Mind you this other guy at my job whose security is sexy as all hell.
Hes a virgo though. Me and them I love them they're the best friends I could have but realtionship I dont think it would work because they have their days where they wanna be all affectionate and nice and cool but the next day they seem distant or like they dont wanna be bothered.
So who knows.
But what I do know is hes a tall glass of milk chocolate baratone voice and very very BLESSED
lol - maybe you should give the virgo a shot?