WEDNESDAY August 30, 2006
Mary Therica Bryant passed away 10:33 am this morning at Brookdale Hospital.
Passing over was greeted by her sister Anna, brothers Curtis and Milton and step father John Holloway.
Mary has left behind her mother Lottie Marie Holloway, sisters Lenora,Anita and Geniel, brothers, Albert and Phil.
Mary has also left behind numerous neices and nephews who all loved her and cant believe it'll be a long while before we can hear her fuss.
What made me post this was.... i took a nap at her house while the few who were left was cleaning. I was laying eyes closed and I hear whispers. I popped up thinking my sister was outside the livingroom window or house door trying to scare me. I was weirded but went to sleep anyway.
We got home around 1 30am. And I decided now was the time for my black hair an Im in the kitchrn sink bent over mind you my mother and sister are in the back of the apt. It felt as though someone was over me like i felt heavy so I had water in my face but I was terrified to open my eyes. My breathing got heavy like Im breathin for two my knees felt weak as Im trying to wash the rest of the shampoo out.
I couldnt take it and went in the back for a lil while. Just to catch my breath and relax.
But I know shes in here and Iwant her to be but its weirding me.
Mary Therica Bryant passed away 10:33 am this morning at Brookdale Hospital.
Passing over was greeted by her sister Anna, brothers Curtis and Milton and step father John Holloway.
Mary has left behind her mother Lottie Marie Holloway, sisters Lenora,Anita and Geniel, brothers, Albert and Phil.
Mary has also left behind numerous neices and nephews who all loved her and cant believe it'll be a long while before we can hear her fuss.
What made me post this was.... i took a nap at her house while the few who were left was cleaning. I was laying eyes closed and I hear whispers. I popped up thinking my sister was outside the livingroom window or house door trying to scare me. I was weirded but went to sleep anyway.
We got home around 1 30am. And I decided now was the time for my black hair an Im in the kitchrn sink bent over mind you my mother and sister are in the back of the apt. It felt as though someone was over me like i felt heavy so I had water in my face but I was terrified to open my eyes. My breathing got heavy like Im breathin for two my knees felt weak as Im trying to wash the rest of the shampoo out.

I couldnt take it and went in the back for a lil while. Just to catch my breath and relax.
But I know shes in here and Iwant her to be but its weirding me.
It's all good - just go with it....
hugs hun