Well I left a message on his phone cuz I was bored. If he wouldve answered there would not have been much of a conversation. I just wanted to say hi.
Any who today is my brother birthday hes 19 now. Tonight or tomorrow we're going to go get his first tattoo. YYYYAAAAAYYYY
Shout out(hehehe) to all my dudes on my friends list and all the BCBs and SB.
Hip Hop group today is the anniversary of biggies death they reppin hard on the readio check that out.
Any who today is my brother birthday hes 19 now. Tonight or tomorrow we're going to go get his first tattoo. YYYYAAAAAYYYY
Shout out(hehehe) to all my dudes on my friends list and all the BCBs and SB.
Hip Hop group today is the anniversary of biggies death they reppin hard on the readio check that out.

I'm actually going to build a cycle of poems around that one. It's rather an awkward poem to send out into the world all on its own.