I had a Mary Kay facial tonight. Through the paramid scheme speech, we were informed that integrity is mandatory to become a cuntsultant.
During the selling of product portion of the evening this is what she said, " You can pay with cash, credit, or check. We even accept the ""Little-bit-a-method"" little bit a cash, little bit a check, and little bit a credit, so it takes a little bit a time for him to find out."
Apparently I have too much integrity to be a Mary Kay Cuntsultant!!

During the selling of product portion of the evening this is what she said, " You can pay with cash, credit, or check. We even accept the ""Little-bit-a-method"" little bit a cash, little bit a check, and little bit a credit, so it takes a little bit a time for him to find out."
Apparently I have too much integrity to be a Mary Kay Cuntsultant!!

Lmao! Love thoae die!!!
Thank you very much for the friend request.