this past weekend i had a great conversation, it ended up on a revelation about time. although man has made up time and named it 'time'. the idea is necessary for so many things, if we didnt have time, then we could not learn. if we couldn't learn, then we would be allknowing or dumber than the boss you work for. why i think each moment is so important is because it is truly the only thing that is real. i mean the past is dead and the future is unpredictable, and all we really have is the present. you are not who you were a minute ago because a different thought is moving through your head. that could make you smarter, dumber, or just different (if your experience changes you for the better, worse, or doesnt change anything but the thought in your head). therefore it is important to live for now. you cannot change the past, you can only assume a future, but you can change who you are today and what you choose to fill your moments with.