so last night i was staying with my girl her ex husband burst in it got ugly i had to be dragged off him more than once considering i take meds its hard to get me pissed off


well i am 45 now and have had it sense i was about 18 or 19, lately has not been to much of a problem because i am in a rather intense relationship with my Roxy,i still take my meds everyday and generally speaking i find routines helpful for controlling said monster, also not thinking about what ifs and possible solutions


Had a grand day with Roxy and her 2 kids made everyone walk to town hang out at the museum for many hours and then made us all walk home kids are very tired as am Roxy and I


i think i am the only memebr of SG in hobart that cant be right can it?




well spent a lovely few hours with my roxy drinking beer and making her feel better.

i dont like that people round Hobart are treating her bad,she did nothing wrong just followed her heart shes always been so nice to me made the darkness in me go away

not depressed or having anxiety, 6 weeks no panics i feel like a kid again living in...
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work was good easy done the problem with working for a pub bottle shop is the stoopid discount i get "product research" takes its toll