Well, Nazi Imagery bad. Mocking the Virgin Mary and the Baby Jesus during Christmas time good.
I completely understand the hypocrisy of this site now. Oh, wait, no I don't.
Nothing anyone on this site says now will mean anything to mean. Hypocrites all.
Funny how every time I tried to give the pics a negative comment, or report my anger to the site, the site would freeze. Some of my comments showed up as possitive comments instead of the negative I sent. Good job censoring SG.
I completely understand the hypocrisy of this site now. Oh, wait, no I don't.
Nothing anyone on this site says now will mean anything to mean. Hypocrites all.
Funny how every time I tried to give the pics a negative comment, or report my anger to the site, the site would freeze. Some of my comments showed up as possitive comments instead of the negative I sent. Good job censoring SG.

Dude....I am right there with you....believe me.....my account expires the end of this month, needless to say, I am NOT renewing......furthermore, I was pissed at Wendy for this because, as a Christian who feels a conviction, I have supported, if not vocally on the boards, in my thoughts, her campaign as a jewish person against hezbollah and jihadists.....Sorry if I am getting a little religious batty on you, I certainly DO NOT mean to do so, I just wanted you to know that as a Christian (gasp! eee gads! Christians look at porn? yes, why yes we do...) it felt like a slap in the face, ESPECIALLY by her.....I also dedicated a blog to my disgust with the nazi-themed set that went up a few months ago....that made my stomach turn as well.....ugh....whatever.....

Well, thanks! Hey, wanna be SG pals for the remaining few weeks I am around? I think it'd be neat