Bumba! The pengi movie opens in 6 days! 'Cited!
J'adore les pingouins.
Speaking of adorable, my east-end squab came to visit me at "work" in the library! Precious! It was nice and most definitely the highlight of my afternoon. Holy living squook, it's been a boring day here! We only had one self-important nutbag, and he was just plain mean, not even funny. Still, only an hour and twenty minutes until closing, and then I can further revel in squabbish delight!
J'adore les pingouins.
Speaking of adorable, my east-end squab came to visit me at "work" in the library! Precious! It was nice and most definitely the highlight of my afternoon. Holy living squook, it's been a boring day here! We only had one self-important nutbag, and he was just plain mean, not even funny. Still, only an hour and twenty minutes until closing, and then I can further revel in squabbish delight!
saw your comment in cathedra post.
i'm glad i'm not the only one who went there.