J'ai trouv un travaille. McLennan Reserves. Big effing library. I start working tonight, just as exam crunch begins. Ugh. I'm glad I'm no longer one of those godforsaken undergrads who didn't do any reading all semestre. Actually, I don't know if I was ever really like that, but I'm grateful for it. I'm writing this in the Islamic Studies' library, and will surely be crucified (or worse, scolded!) if someone sees me. A bientot, squibbers!
More Blogs
Wednesday Jan 12, 2005
Coming home to the wonderful rumbling Wumb makes everything better. I… -
Tuesday Jan 11, 2005
Going to do South Beach again for a week. Felt so good to do it this … -
Monday Jan 10, 2005
I read from my book, Jonathon Strange and Mr Norrell. Excellent. Took… -
Monday Jan 10, 2005
I hate the anglophon-ness of McGill. We were talking about Qubecois-s… -
Sunday Jan 09, 2005
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre blows goats. Don't watch it. I couldn't e… -
Friday Dec 31, 2004
It is nice to be back in Montral. I hope I can have a drink with Eli … -
Wednesday Dec 29, 2004
Gosh I sure made a big fuss with my post about francophones and the a… -
Monday Dec 27, 2004
What are all my flappy pengies doing on New Year's Eve? I generally f… -
Sunday Dec 26, 2004
Looking into French classes at U de M! Bloody expensive. Much better,… -
Sunday Dec 26, 2004
Ok, so I offended people with my last post. Je m'excuse. I'm s…