Today was nice and peaceful. God willing, things will stay that way. I got out of bed at an obscene hour, (1:30) cleaned, did some schoolwork, and went to the gym. Then I made myself a delicious dinner, some of my finest work if I do say so..
Pizza, with green pesto for sauce, chicken, brocolli and mozarella cheese. I made a salad, but I suck at making salads. Eli is a salad master, that's why I like living with her.
Throughout it all, I was giving the squibbers yuv, and they were responding in kind. 2 squibbers! Man, I love tiny kitty. And now, as long as no one answers our posters for "est-ce que tu as perdu ton chat?" signs, she's mine! My own private Squibaho.
Of course, I still have more Arabic to do, but I also have more oxygen to breathe....
Pizza, with green pesto for sauce, chicken, brocolli and mozarella cheese. I made a salad, but I suck at making salads. Eli is a salad master, that's why I like living with her.

My Dad always said that if you're gonna do something, you should do it right. I'm a computer dork...