OOoooooh Tiny kitty. I hope that the Wumbus isn't jealous. I yuv him too. Dammit, this appartment made me into a giant flaming sapsucker. I am also still randy, in case anyone cares. Mo is hot. So is Eli. That's a sandwich I wouldn't mind biting into.
as for the "randiness" well, keep on truckin' ???
You could try:
a long cold very cold shower (or a bath filled with ice or filled with iced tea - at least it would taste good
a walk to MontTremblant but wearing only a t-shirt, shorts and sandals
investing that "raw" energy in painting, sculpture, redecorating your appartement or car repairs
... or just finding someone to ease the tension (wich shall be fairly easy)
"don't be a jaywalker"